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Кристина Тикиджьян, сертифицированный FPA персональный тренер по фитнесу, предлагает бесплатную мини-книгу «Меняемся к лучшему: пошаговое руководство к нормализации веса». Для получения книги нужно отметить друга или подругу в комментариях под постом в Инстаграме @cris_trainer_rnd. Доступны форматы .epub и .pdf. Кристина также благодарна за репосты.

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A Dawn To Fear is an album that can be considered as a gallery of the greatest hits of Cult of Luna. The band decided to move away from clear ideas for each composition and instead focused on free musical calligraphy. The album sounds like an epic riff chop from their debut album to Somewhere Along the Highway. The success of the album depends on the listener's personal expectations. Post-metal reached its peak popularity thanks to the ability of bands in the genre to show that every element in a song is important. In the case of Cult of Luna, this uniformity takes on more spatial meanings.

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